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6 women & a Man 9

6 women & a Man 9

  • SERIES | Comedy
    30 episodes | 30 min
  • Season 9 | 2016
    Country of origin: Egypt

"Adel" is a regular man leading a normal life with his wife "Rania" and his daughter "Yasmine". Suddenly, their life turns upside-down when his mother "Inaam" (who got divorced from his father) and his sister "Sanaa" decided to move in with them. Things don't end here, Adel's mother-in-law "Majida" along with her daughter "Najlaa", Rania's younger sister, join them as well after they had lost their home. Adel, helpless, surrenders to this new situation where he has to live with six women under the same roof! He was always stuck in between, struggling to reconcile the parties in conflict at his own expense. Adel had a bazaar store and was assisted by his dull cousin "Ramzi" who used to constantly get on his nerves with his weird attitude and dumb behavior. Due to the high demands of the six ladies, Adel, being the only male of the house, had to find any other job! Unlucky as he is, failure was stalking him at the corner and all his projects failed! Then one day, Ramzi left the job so Adel closed the store and opened a "Falafel" restaurant hoping to meet the heavy burden of the expenses, but again, his project failed and he had to find another job in parallel.

Najla got married to "Samoula", a microbus driver with a squeaky character, and gave birth to her son "Antar", things were supposed to get better after she left... but not for long! Najla kept on divorcing and remarrying Samoula and moving meanwhile back to Adel's place until she got her final divorce and returned back, for good, with her son who inherited his father's harsh character. Najla brought along, as well, her problems with her divorcee because of their son that none of the ladies seemed to like or handle. On the other hand, Ramzi is back, Adel reopened his Bazaar store, but Ramzi didn't change, he's still as dull as always and Adel has to deal, one more time, with his weird attitude and dumb behavior.

  • Nivine Mohamad
  • ashraf abdel baki
  • antar Mamado
  • entesar
  • lekaa El Khamissi
  • maha abou ouf
  • minna arafa
  • najla
  • salah abdallah
  • sameh hussein

  • wala'el sherif
  • asad fouladkar