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A Million Pound Idea

A Million Pound Idea

  • SERIES | Comedy
    30 episodes | 45 min
  • 2019
    Country of origin: Egypt

“A million pounds idea” is about the story of the brilliant graduate Alaeddin Mosbah who can’t find a job. His anger towards his drastic situation pushes him to find a way to appear on Amro Adeeb’s where he presents the idea of popular funding where he asks people to fund him: if each person sends him 1 pound, he can gather 1 million pounds and become a millionaire and execute his big dreams that will be rewarding for the people. Amro Adeeb likes the idea and puts his 1 pound. The next day, Alaeddin wakes up to find that he really became a real millionaire. 

He starts investing in the money he gathered from the people. This gets him into the world of business where he falls in the big trap of money which will lead him to corruption. The media will make him a hero sometimes and at liar at other times.

After journey full of disappointments, Alaeddin finds himself dreaming of executing his first plan: a solar system company that will provide power to Cairo. But this time, he’s starting from zero: he’s broke and has no one at his side except his crazy friend, the engineer, and his family.

Days it will be played
7 Days per Week
  • Ali Rabih
    Alaa Din Mosbah
  • Sabreen
    Mirvat Hasan Abdel Hafiz
  • Salah Abdallah
    Mosbah Alaa Din
  • Sahar El Sayegh
    Shayma Mosbah Alaa Din
  • Karim Afifi
    Yasser Sourour Gharib
  • Walaa El Sharif
    Hiba Adli Al Metnawi
  • Tarek Abdel Aziz
    Salim Zahran
  • Mayan El Sayed
    Salma Salim Zahran
  • Walid Fawaz
    Hamdi Zaatar
  • Ahmed Soltan
    Samir Al Najjar
  • Hanane Soleiman
    Madiha Hasan Abdel Hafiz
  • Ahmad El Sisi
    Sayed Mosbah Alaa Din

  • Amine Jamal
  • Wael Ihsan